Bernard Yannou
About author
Bernard Yannou is an alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay, with a degree in mechanical engineering.
He obtained his doctorate in 1994 on the subject of the automation of systems design at Dassault Systèmes. His research
work led him to obtain his Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in 2001, with a thesis on the phases and conditions of the
preliminary design of complex systems.
Bernard Yannou is now a Distinguished Professor in the design (and innovation) of complex systems. He heads the Industrial
Engineering Research Department at CentraleSupélec (CS), founding member of University Paris-Saclay. He is also deputy
director of research at CS, in charge of deeptech entrepreneurship.
In teaching, he has taught courses in ’Design Science’, ’Radical Innovation’ and ’Management of R&D and Innovation’. He
created the final-year minor "Design and Industrialization of Innovative Systems" at CS, and the MS in Complex Systems
Engineering at University Paris-Saclay.
In research, he has supervised more than 35 doctoral theses, most of them in industrial contexts. He is the author or co-author
of more than 400 peer-reviewed articles, including 90 journal articles. He has also coordinated 10 books on design and
innovation of industrial products.
He is the inventor of the Radical Innovation Design® methodology, and he co-founded HyB’RID for which he is Chief Research
and Strategy Officer.
Radical Innovation Design A systematic and usage-driven innovation methodology to ensure usefulness for users and profitability for companies
Bernard Yannou, François Cluzel
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