EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences

Users guide

How to buy ?

To buy a book on our site, first browse our collections by theme or author or search by keyword. You can then add the required books to your basket.

To place an order, you must log in to the site if you already have an account or create an account during the order process. Once you have logged in to the site, you can continue the purchase process until it is completed.

How is the payment made ?

All orders are placed exclusively via our website. Payment is made at the time of ordering by credit card, via the secure payment system Paybox.

The prices of the products are indicated in Euros, including all taxes. All orders are invoiced in euros and payable in euros in a single payment at the time of ordering.  

The bank transaction is carried out at the time of the order. 

Once the credit card code has been entered, the order is confirmed and cannot be cancelled or refunded.

Purchases of digital books are firm and final. They cannot be exchanged, refunded or retracted.

For security reasons, each order basket is limited to a maximum amount of 500.00€ including VAT, and the number of orders per customer is limited to 5 per 7 days. These limits may be modified at the user's request.

Any order with a fraud risk profile may be blocked by the site at the payment stage. 

Some books may be offered free of charge. To download them, simply register or log in and follow the usual ordering process except for the payment stage, which will not appear. 

How do I take delivery of the books I have purchased ?

Once the payment has been made, you will receive a confirmation email summarising the content of your order and the amount paid. If your order includes digital content, a second email will be sent to you indicating how to download it. Printed books are sent by post according to the shipping method chosen at the time of ordering.


It is possible to issue invoices for your purchases. To do so, simply log in with your email address and password, then click on the "My account" section (accessible from the top of the site). The "Orders" tab summarises all the orders placed on our site. A click on one of them gives a detailed view of the order. By clicking on the "Print" button, an invoice in PDF format is automatically generated and loaded onto your computer.

What to do in case of a problem ?

If you have any problems using the site, questions about an order, etc., please do not hesitate to contact us.

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