EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences

Local Bifurcations, Center Manifolds, and Normal Forms in Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems

by Mariana Haragus (author), Gérard Iooss (author)
Collection: Universitext
january 2011
1 x 1 format 329 pages In stock
63,25 €
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An extension of different lectures given by the authors, Local Bifurcations, Center Manifolds and Normal Forms in Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of these topics.

Starting with the simplest bifurcations problems arising for ordinary differential equations in one and two-dimensions, this book describes several tools from the theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems, allowing the reader to treat more complicated bifurcations problems,such as bifurcations arising in partial differential equations. Attention is restricted to the study of local bifurcations with a focus upon the center manifold reduction and the normal form theory; two methods that have been widely used during the last decade.

Trough use of step by step examples and exercises, a number of possible applications are illustrated, and allow the less familiar reader to use this reduction method by checking some clear assumptions. Written by recognised experts in the field of center manifold and normal form theory this book provides a much-needed graduate level text on bifurcation theory, center manifolds and normal form theory. It will appeal to graduate students and researchers working in dynamical system theory.



Language(s): English

Audience(s): Research

Publisher: EDP Sciences

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Universitext

Published: 1 january 2011

EAN13 Paper book: 9782759800094

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Paper book: 1 x 1

Pages count Paper book: 329

Weight (in grammes): 1

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