EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences

Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems

by T. Montmerle (technical editor), D. Ehrenreich (technical editor)
january 2010
Paper book
1 x 1 format 522 pages In stock
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The two-week school on "Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems" took place on Feb. 18-29, 2008, in the wonderful setting of the Centre de Physique des Houches, a small, medium-altitude village near Chamonix, in the French Alps. Participants, coming from 20 countries, were mostly late-stage PhD students and post-docs, as well as researchers from various disciplines. As more and more " exoplanets are found (now nearly 400), including numerous multiple systems, the necessity of a connection with the solar system and its origin becomes more and more apparent. The scholl was therefore organized with the idea of putting exoplanetary systems and the solar system in a common perspective, including the early steps towards life. The chapters of this book contain full-lengh courses, seminars and contributed papers by the participant, on the following topics : finding and characterizing exoplanets, circumstellar disks and their transition towards planet formation, protoplanetary disks and the primitive solar nebula, solar system formation, exoplanetary atmospheresn complex molecules and habitability.



Language(s): English

Audience(s): Research

Publisher: EDP Sciences

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: EAS Publication Series

Published: 1 january 2010

EAN13 Paper book: 9782759804900

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Paper book: 1 x 1

Pages count Paper book: 522

Weight (in grammes): 1

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