EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences

The Role of the Disk-Halo Interaction in Galaxy Evolution

Outflow vs. Infall?

by Miguel A. de Avillez (technical editor)
november 2012
1 x 1 format 404 pages In stock
70,00 €
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In this book observers and theoreticians/modellers present their views on the different processes related to the disk-halo connection in star forming galaxies. Fundamental issues (e.g., structure of the interstellar medium, the connection between the disk and halo, and the role of infall vs. outflow in the galaxy evolution) are addressed with an eye on realistic modeling of such a phenomenon.



Language(s): English

Audience(s): Professionals

Publisher: EDP Sciences

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: EAS Publication Series

Published: 1 november 2012

EAN13 Paper book: 9782759807871

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Paper book: 1 x 1

Pages count Paper book: 404

Weight (in grammes): 1

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