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How to read an ebook ?

PDF or EPUB, how to choose ? You downloaded a PDF or an ePub ? Find below some advice to read them properly

EPUBS vs PDF, how to choose

The main advantage of EPUB for users is the adjustment of text size according to the screen size and reader's needs. This format is therefore recommended for people suffering from visual impairments.

EPUBs are interactive. For example, you can add notes or animations, highlight text, and include hyperlinks. In addition to text, EPUBS can store content tables, images, metadata and style sheets.

With PDFs, the layout and format will always be the same as in the original document.

Just like EPUBS, PDFs are interactive. It is possible to annotate, highlight or comment on text, add links to other pages of the document, create forms, etc.

In addition, they make it easy to share documents that cannot be modified.

How to read a PDF 

To read a PDF on your computer (PC ou MAC), we recommend you  to use the free software «Adobe Acrobat Reader» or «Adobe Digital Editions».

Adobe Acrobat Reader : http://www.adobe.com/fr/products/reader/

Adobe Digital Editions : http://www.adobe.com/fr/products/digitaleditions/

How to read an EPUB

To read on ePub on your computer, we recommend that you use "ePub Reader" on Mozilla or "Readium" on Chrome.

• Thorium Reader : the latest version of this software developed by EDRLab can be downloaded free of charge from https://www.edrlab.org/software/thorium-reader/

ePub Reader - Install ePub Reader then use Mozilla to open your ePub.

Readium - Open Google Chrome, find the extensions and install Readium. You have to add the ePub in your library in order to read it (click on the "Add a new ePub button, and then on "Select files").

On your tablet, you can use Play Livres. More readers are freely downloadable.

To read more information about how to download your ebooks, please consult Downloads.

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