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A Monograph of the Genus Ulota s.l.

(Orthotrichaceae, Moss)

by Qing-Hua WANG (author), Yu JIA (author)
july 2023
322 pages Download after purchase
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Mosses are one of the most ancient terrestrial plants. Their small size and rich species have increased the difficulty in classification and thus there are still many taxonomic issues to be solved. The moss genus Ulota provides a good example in this regard. Engaged in the world taxonomic revision of this epiphytic moss for many years, the authors present the main conclusions of their research in this book. It not only introduces the taxonomy, phylogeny and evolution of Ulota, but also provides detailed and comprehensive information on the 50 species confirmed in this study, illustrated and accompanied by beautiful color photos, SEM images and distribution maps. This book brings together the latest findings of Ulota and useful reference for species classification for professionals and amateurs.



Introduction................................................. 1


TaxonomicHistory ............................................ 3

2.1Circumscription for the Genus .............................. 3

2.2 DiscoveryHistory of Species ................................ 4

2.3 Historyof Each Continent.................................. 4


Materialand Methods ......................................... 11


Taxonomy.................................................. 13

4.1Morphology ............................................ 13

4.2 Taxa.................................................. 32

4.2.1Recognized Species.................................. 35

1. Ulotaangusti-limbata E.B. Bartram .................. 42

2. Ulota barclayiMitt............................... 47

3. Ulotabillbuckii Garilleti, Mazimpaka & F. Lara ......... 50

4. Ulota bruchiiHornsch. ex Brid ...................... 53

5. Ulotacalvescens Wilson ........................... 57

6. Ulotacoarctata (P. Beauv.) Hammar ................. 61

7. Ulotacochleata Venturi ........................... 67

8. Ulota crispa(Hedw.) Brid ......................... 71

9. Ulota crispulaBruch ex Brid. ....................... 86

10. Ulotacurvifolia (Wahlenb.) Lilj .................... 92

11. Ulotadelicata Q.H. Wang & Y. Jia.................. 99

12. Ulotadrummondii (Hook. & Grev.) Brid ............. 103

13. Ulotaecklonii (Hornsch.) A. Jaeger ................. 109

14. Ulotaeurystoma Nog ............................ 112

15. Ulotafuegiana Mitt ............................. 117

16. Ulota germana(Mont.) Mitt....................... 126

17. Ulotagigantospora F. Lara, Caparrós & Garilleti ....... 130

18. Ulotagymnostoma S.-L. Guo, Enroth & Virtanen ....... 135

19. Ulotahutchinsiae (Sm.) Hammar ................... 138

20. Ulotaintermedia Schimp ......................... 145

21. Ulota japonica(Sull. & Lesq.) Mitt.................. 149

22. Ulotalarrainii Garilleti, Mazimpaka & F. Lara ......... 154

23. Ulotalaticiliata Malta ........................... 155

24. Ulotalatisegmenta Q.H. Wang & Y. Jia .............. 159

25. Ulota luteola(Hook. f. & Wilson) Wijk & Margad ...... 162

26. Ulotamacrocalycina Mitt ......................... 169

27. Ulotamacrodontia Dixon & Malta .................. 174

28. Ulota magellanica(Mont.) A. Jaeger ................ 178

29. Ulotamaltiana Garilleti & F. Lara .................. 182

30. Ulotamegalospora Venturi ........................ 186

31. Ulotamembranata Malta ......................... 191

32. Ulotamorrisonensis Horik. & Nog .................. 195

33. Ulotanovo-guinensis E.B. Bartram ................. 199

34. Ulotaobtusiuscula Müll. Hal. & Kindb ............... 204

35. Ulotapanchengiana Q.H. Wang & Y. Jia ............. 209

36. Ulotaperbreviseta Dixon & Sakurai ................. 213

37. Ulotaperichaetialis (Sainsbury) Goffinet.............. 217


eBook [PDF]


Language(s): English

Audience(s): Students, Research

Publisher: EDP Sciences & Science Press

Collection: Current Natural Sciences

Published: 7 july 2023

EAN13 (hardcopy): 9782759829118

Reference eBook [PDF]: L29125

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759829125

Interior: Colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 322

Size: 133 MB (PDF)

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