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Checklist of Vascular Plants in Central Asia

by Wenjun Li (author), Komiljon Sh. Tojibaev (author)
december 2024
507 pages Download after purchase
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The vascular plants distributed in Central Asia comprehensive and systematic are recorded in this book. Families are arranged systematically, but genera and species are arranged in alphabetical order. The classification for lycophytes and ferns, gymnosperm and angiosperm were based on PPG I (2016), Christenhusz et al. (2011) and APG IV (2016), respectively. The family, genus, Latin name, important synonym and distributed country in Central Asia were recorded for each species. The original data of this book was based on the botanical records, floras and checklists published in five Central Asia countries. All the data were cleaned according the latest research progress in taxonomy and systematics. In total, 9643 vascular taxa (248 subspecies and 68 varieties) belonging to 1198 genera and 139 families were recorded in Central Asia, including 70 taxa of lycophytes and ferns, 36 taxa of gymnosperm, and 9537 taxa of angiosperm. The book also includes some introduced species (*) and species of doubtful distribution (?).


eBook [PDF]


Language(s): English

Audience(s): Students, Research

Publisher: EDP Sciences & Science Press

Collection: Current Natural Sciences

Published: 19 december 2024

EAN13 (hardcopy): 9782759836697

Reference eBook [PDF]: L36703

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759836703

Interior: Black & white

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 507

Size: 6 MB (PDF)

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