Foreword................................................... III
Preface..................................................... V
Introduction .................................................1
First Notions About Electron and Spin Transport– CIP-GMR, IEC, AMR . 7
2.1 Types of Model.......................................... 7
2.2 Two-Current Model, Ohm’s Law,Spin-Dependent Mean Free Path ... 9
2.3 Band Structures, Spin-Dependent Fermi Surface & Density of State . . 12
2.4 Spin-Dependent Scattering, the sd Model...................... 15
2.5 From Impurity Scattering to Heterostructures – CIP-GMR, IEC ..... 17
2.6 Spin Mixing and Spin-Orbit Interactions –AMR................. 24
Spin Accumulation – CPP-GMR................................. 31
3.1 Spin-Dependent Spin-Flip Scattering.......................... 32
3.2 Drift-Diffusion Model, Spin-Coupled Resistance & Mismatch ........ 33
3.3 Heterostructures – CPP-GMR.............................. 40
3.4 Interface Scattering, Spin Memory Boost, and Spin Memory Loss .... 42
3.5 Non-Collinearity and Non-Uniformity (Geometric and Magnetic) .... 45
Transfer of Angular Momentum – STT, Spin Pumping, SOT ............ 49
4.1 (sd-)Coupling, Spin Transfer Torques – STT.................... 49
4.2 Toy Quantum Mechanical Model for STT, Angular Momentum Flow . 52
4.3 STT in CPP Transport Equations............................ 59
4.4 STT in Magnetization Dynamics Equations, Reciprocal Spin Pumping. 61
4.5 STT in Magnetic Textures................................. 66
4.6 Magnetoelectronic Circuit Theory............................ 67
4.7 Spin-Orbit Torques – SOT................................. 70
Berry Curvature, Parity and Time Symetries –Intrinsic AHE, SHE, QHE . 79
5.1 Berry Curvature, Berry Phase............................... 79
5.2 Unquantized Hall Effects – Intrinsic AHE,SHE ................. 82
5.3 Quantum Hall Effect – QHE................................ 89
5.4 Parity and Time Reversal Symetries – P, T................... 91
5.5 Thermal Nernst Counterparts............................... 96
Exercises and Solutions......................................... 101
6.1 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR) –chapter 2 ............... 101
6.2 Domain Wall Anisotropic Magnetoresistance(DWAMR) – chapter 3. . 106
6.3 Drift-Diffusion Equation for Spin Accumulation (μs) – chapters 3–5 . . 106
6.4 Spin Conductivity Mismatch (CPP-GMR) –chapter 3 ............ 110
6.5 Intra-Band Scattering – Intrinsic Damping(α0) – chapters 2 and 4 ... 112
6.6 Spin Pumping (SP) and Inverse Spin Hall Effect (ISHE)– chapters 4 and 5....................................... 114
6.7 Spin Pumping (SP) – Additional Damping (αp)– chapter 4 ........ 121
6.8 Spin Hall Magnetoresistance (SMR) –chapters 2–4 ............... 125
6.9 Harmonic Analysis of the Anomalous Hall Voltage (Vx xy ; V2x xy ) – chapters 4 and 5....................................... 133
6.10 Intrinsic Anomalous Hall and Nernst Effects (AHE, ANE) – chapter 5 136
Conclusion.................................................. 143
Index of Key Concepts......................................... 147
Abbreviations, Symbols and Units................................ 149