EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences

The basics of electron transport in spintronics

Textbook with lectures, exercises and solutions

de Vincent BALTZ (auteur)
mai 2023
format 16 x 24 168 pages En stock
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Here is the ideal book to grasp the basic concepts of spin-dependent electron transport and to develop a deep physical understanding of the subject. A careful selection of key notions provides a concise and effective framework. Learning how to use these notions is successfully supported by ten extended exercises with complete solutions. Common terms and specialist jargon are clearly explained, and the way in which subtleties complicate phenomena, without altering their physical basis, is pedagogically addressed. The rigorous and harmonised system of notation and units adopted throughout the book allows the reader to navigate easily between concepts and to gain a broad view of the subject. Based on a series of lectures given to MSc and PhD students, this book will appeal to a wide range of readers, from students at the graduate level to researchers and engineers.


Foreword................................................... III

Preface..................................................... V


Introduction .................................................1


First Notions About Electron and Spin Transport– CIP-GMR, IEC, AMR . 7

2.1 Types of Model.......................................... 7

2.2 Two-Current Model, Ohm’s Law,Spin-Dependent Mean Free Path ... 9

2.3 Band Structures, Spin-Dependent Fermi Surface & Density of State . . 12

2.4 Spin-Dependent Scattering, the sd Model...................... 15

2.5 From Impurity Scattering to Heterostructures – CIP-GMR, IEC ..... 17

2.6 Spin Mixing and Spin-Orbit Interactions –AMR................. 24


Spin Accumulation – CPP-GMR................................. 31

3.1 Spin-Dependent Spin-Flip Scattering.......................... 32

3.2 Drift-Diffusion Model, Spin-Coupled Resistance & Mismatch ........ 33

3.3 Heterostructures – CPP-GMR.............................. 40

3.4 Interface Scattering, Spin Memory Boost, and Spin Memory Loss .... 42

3.5 Non-Collinearity and Non-Uniformity (Geometric and Magnetic) .... 45


Transfer of Angular Momentum – STT, Spin Pumping, SOT ............ 49

4.1 (sd-)Coupling, Spin Transfer Torques – STT.................... 49

4.2 Toy Quantum Mechanical Model for STT, Angular Momentum Flow . 52

4.3 STT in CPP Transport Equations............................ 59

4.4 STT in Magnetization Dynamics Equations, Reciprocal Spin Pumping. 61

4.5 STT in Magnetic Textures................................. 66

4.6 Magnetoelectronic Circuit Theory............................ 67

4.7 Spin-Orbit Torques – SOT................................. 70


Berry Curvature, Parity and Time Symetries –Intrinsic AHE, SHE, QHE . 79

5.1 Berry Curvature, Berry Phase............................... 79

5.2 Unquantized Hall Effects – Intrinsic AHE,SHE ................. 82

5.3 Quantum Hall Effect – QHE................................ 89

5.4 Parity and Time Reversal Symetries – P, T................... 91

5.5 Thermal Nernst Counterparts............................... 96


Exercises and Solutions......................................... 101

6.1 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR) –chapter 2 ............... 101

6.2 Domain Wall Anisotropic Magnetoresistance(DWAMR) – chapter 3. . 106

6.3 Drift-Diffusion Equation for Spin Accumulation (μs) – chapters 3–5 . . 106

6.4 Spin Conductivity Mismatch (CPP-GMR) –chapter 3 ............ 110

6.5 Intra-Band Scattering – Intrinsic Damping(α0) – chapters 2 and 4 ... 112

6.6 Spin Pumping (SP) and Inverse Spin Hall Effect (ISHE)– chapters 4 and 5....................................... 114

6.7 Spin Pumping (SP) – Additional Damping (αp)– chapter 4 ........ 121

6.8 Spin Hall Magnetoresistance (SMR) –chapters 2–4 ............... 125

6.9 Harmonic Analysis of the Anomalous Hall Voltage (Vx xy ; V2x xy ) – chapters 4 and 5....................................... 133

6.10 Intrinsic Anomalous Hall and Nernst Effects (AHE, ANE) – chapter 5 136


Conclusion.................................................. 143

Index of Key Concepts......................................... 147

Abbreviations, Symbols and Units................................ 149



Langue(s) : Anglais

Public(s) : Professionnels, Recherche, Etudiants

Editeur : EDP Sciences & Science Press

Collection : Current Natural Sciences

Publication : 25 mai 2023

Référence Livre papier : L29170

Référence eBook [PDF] : L29187

EAN13 Livre papier : 9782759829170

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759829187

Intérieur : Couleur

Format (en mm) Livre papier : 16 x 24

Nombre de pages Livre papier : 168

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 168

Taille(s) : 19,1 Mo (PDF)

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