Preface..................................................... VII
Herd Behavior in the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence: Exploration of Drivers and Potential Consequences ............................. 1
Bilal ASLAM, Heikki KARJALUOTO and Joel MERO
1.1 Introduction............................................ 2
1.2 Literature Review........................................ 3
1.2.1 AI Use Cases in Business Research ...................... 3
1.2.2 Extant Knowledge of Herd Behavior .................... 3
1.3 Research Method........................................ 5
1.4 Findings............................................... 5
1.4.1 Drivers of Herd Behavior in AI Adoption ................. 6
1.4.2 Herd Behavior in AI Adoptionand Its Potential Consequences. 8
1.5 Discussion.............................................. 9
References.................................................. 11
Seeking Truer Reality: Quark Influence on the Transhuman Future ........ 15
2.1 Introduction............................................ 16
2.2 Technology and Its Dialectical Nature ......................... 16
2.3 The Critical Theory of Technology ........................... 20
2.4 Collaborative Management and Mindfulness .................... 23
2.5 Conclusion............................................. 25
References.................................................. 25
Managerial Challenges of Industry 4.0: A Case Study in the Portuguese Footwear Sector.............................................. 29
Maria A. M. TRINDADE, Jorge JULIÃO, Marcelo GASPAR and Francisca Gomes SILVA
3.1 Introduction ............................................30
3.2 Literature Review........................................ 31
3.2.1 The 4th Industrial Revolution......................... 31
3.2.2 Industry 4.0: Differentiation from Similar Terms............ 31
3.2.3 Industry 4.0 Technologies............................. 32
3.2.4 Managerial Benefits of Industry 4.0 ..................... 33
3.2.5 Managerial Challenges of Industry 4.0 ................... 34
3.3 The Portuguese Footwear Industry........................... 38
3.3.1 Exports: Benefits, Challenges, and Threats................ 39
3.3.2 Technological Enhancement: ANew Era of Modernization .... 40
3.3.3 Challenges and Opportunities for the Portuguese Footwear Industry.......................................... 41
3.4 Methodology............................................ 42
3.4.1 Sampling Selection.................................. 43
3.4.2 Semi-Structured Interviews............................ 43
3.4.3 Direct Observation.................................. 43
3.4.4 Transcription and Report............................. 44
3.5 Results................................................ 44
3.5.1 Sample Description................................. 44
3.5.2 Portuguese Footwear Industry: Insights .................. 46
3.6 Discussion of Results...................................... 49
3.7 Conclusions............................................. 52
3.7.1 Research Limitations................................ 52
3.7.2 Recommendations for Future Studies .................... 53
References.................................................. 55
When the Wind Makes the StructureTremble. Excess-Based Resilience and the Role of Organizational Slack.............................. 59
Nahuel I. DEPINO-BESADA, António SARTAL and Diego CAROU
4.1 Introduction............................................ 60
4.2 Theoretical Frame: Organizational Slack for Resilience ............ 61
4.2.1 What is the Relation Between Resilience and Excess?........ 62
4.2.2 Getting to Know the Bricks for Building a Resilient Organization...................................... 63
4.3 The Appropriate Bricks for Each Blow: Slack Resources Type Per Resilience Challenge...................................... 65
4.3.1 Navigating Through Economic Shortfalls ................. 66
4.3.2 Resisting Natural Disasters and Pressures for Green Development...................................... 68
4.3.3 Addressing Risk ThroughTechnology, Turning a Threat into a Strength..................................... 69
4.3.4 Supply Chain Disruptions andHow to Build Resilience ...... 70
4.3.5 The Role of Slack in Conflict Reduction and Resolution ...... 72
4.4 Organizational Architectural Design: Accommodating Every Slack for Greater Resilience..................................... 74
4.5 Conclusion............................................. 75
References.................................................. 76
E-Leadership and New LeadershipSkills for Effective Leaders in the Public Sector Within Contexts of Telework –A Delphi Method Study ........... 79
José Rebelo dos SANTOS, Lurdes PEDRO and Rui BRITES
5.1 Introduction............................................ 79
5.2 From Leadership to E-Leadership– Concept Development and Main Theoretical Perspectives................................... 81
5.2.1 Leadership – Concept Development and Main Theoretical Perspectives....................................... 81
5.2.2 E-Leadership...................................... 84
5.3 Telework, Risks and Opportunities ........................... 88
5.3.1 Concept of Telework................................ 88
5.3.2 Impacts of Telework................................. 89
5.4 Telework and New Leadership Challenges ...................... 91
5.5 Methodology............................................ 92
5.5.1 DELPHI Procedure................................. 92
5.5.2 Criteria Used for ConstructingThis E-Delphi and Selecting Experts.......................................... 93
5.6 Result Presentation and Discussion ........................... 97
5.7 Conclusion............................................. 100
References.................................................. 101
Challenges of European Organisationsin the VUCA World and the Emergence of the Bani World............................. 107
Vasja ROBLEK, Iztok PODBREGAR and Maja MEšKO
6.1 Introduction............................................ 107
6.2 European Organisations and the Vuca World in the Third Decade of the 21st Century....................................... 109
6.2.1 Volatility......................................... 109
6.2.2 Uncertainty....................................... 110
6.2.3 Complexity....................................... 112
6.2.4 Ambiguity........................................ 113
6.3 The Challenges of Organisations in the Current Chaotic and Changeable Environment............................... 114
6.3.1 Macro-Level – Political and Economic Situation in the World and the EU....................................... 114
6.3.2 Meso Level – European Industrial Sector ................. 116
6.3.3 Micro-Level – Organisation........................... 118
6.4 The Emergence of a Bani World............................. 123
6.5 Conclusions............................................. 125
References ..................................................126
Telework in Times of Technological Transformation and Pandemic and the Impact on the Work-Family Relationship: Spillover and Boundary Control . . 133
Daiane Cristine S. G. NUNES and Carolina FelicianaMACHADO
7.1 Introduction............................................ 134
7.2 Telework as a Trend...................................... 134
7.3 Work-Family Conciliation in theScope of Telework: A Brief Literary Review................................................ 135
7.3.1 Spillover Theory.................................... 136
7.3.2 Boundary Theory................................... 138
7.3.3 Boundary Control and Information and Communication Technologies.......................................140
7.4 Teleworking in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic ........... 141
7.5 Final Remarks.......................................... 142
References.................................................. 143