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The Sino-Himalayan Endemic Genus Cremanthodium (Asteraceae)

Morphology, Karyology, Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and Phytogeography

by Long WANG (author), Chen REN (author), Qin-Er YANG (author)
june 2024
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This work is a comprehensive monograph of Cremanthodium Benth. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a typical high-alpine genus endemic to the Sino-Himalayan region. Two species and one variety are described as new, seven names are treated as synonyms, one new combination is proposed, the independent specific status of four species is reinstated, lectotypes of 39 names are designated, and infrageneric placement of 14 species at sectional or series levels are adjusted. In addition, the geographical distribution of most species and varieties is clarified. In total, 80 species and nine varieties are recognized in the genus. The taxonomic treatment of each entry comprises a full synonymy with bibliographic citations, details of nomenclatural types or necessary new typifications, a full description, information on phenology, habitats, altitudinal ranges, geographical distribution, etymology, chromosome number, conservation status, detailed taxonomic notes, a full citation of herbarium specimens examined, and a distribution map. Type specimens and color photographs of herbarium specimens and living plants are, when available, also given for most species and varieties. Historically, plants of Cremanthodium received relatively little attention. Although incomparable in reputation with those most well-known high-alpine genera, such as Gentiana, Meconopsis, Primula, and Rhododendron, Cremanthodium gains, however, more and more attention from botanists and alpine plant enthusiasts due to the loveliness and magnificence of plants of the genus, especially from those who are in deep love with plants in the Himalayan region. The publication of this book represents another important contribution by Chinese botanists to the field of plant taxonomy. The book should be of important value of reference for experts and scholars at research institutes, teachers and students from related fields in colleges, professionals, and amateurs in botany and horticulture, and those engaged in plant resource utilization and nature conservation.


Summary................................................... V

Acknowledgements............................................ VII


Introduction................................................. 1


TaxonomicHistory: An Overview ................................. 5


MorphologicalCharacters ....................................... 11

3.1Material and Methods..................................... 11

3.2 Results................................................ 12

3.2.1 LifeForm and Habit ................................ 12

3.2.2 Rootand Rhizome .................................. 13

3.2.3 Stem............................................ 14

3.2.4Leaves ........................................... 15

3.2.5Synflorescence ..................................... 25

3.2.6Involucre and Phyllary ............................... 27

3.2.7 Bractand Bracteole ................................. 29

3.2.8 RayFlorets ....................................... 29

3.2.9 DiskFlorets ....................................... 37

3.2.10Achenes .......................................... 37

3.2.11Pappus........................................... 39


Karyology................................................... 41

4.1Material and Methods..................................... 42

4.2 Results................................................ 42

4.2.1Chromosome Numbers ............................... 42

4.2.2Karyotypes ....................................... 63

4.3Discussion .............................................. 66

4.3.1 BaseChromosome Numbers ........................... 66

4.3.2Polyploidy ........................................ 66

4.3.3Systematic Implications .............................. 67


Phylogeny.................................................. 71


Taxonomy.................................................. 79

6.1Methodology ............................................ 79

6.2 SpeciesConcepts......................................... 81

6.3Taxonomic Treatment ..................................... 82


Phytogeography.............................................. 745

7.1Distributional Range of Cremanthodium ....................... 746

7.2 MajorGeographical Regions of Cremanthodium ................. 747

7.3 SpeciesNumbers in Different Countries or Regions ............... 747

7.4Widespread and Rare Species ............................... 752

References.................................................. 757

Appendix I.List of Nomenclatural Novelties Published in this Work ....... 771

AppendixII. List of New Synonyms Published in this Work ............. 773

AppendixIII. List of New Typifications Published in this Work .......... 775

AppendixIV. List of Chromosome Counts Currently Known

inCremanthodium, with the Species Arranged

Alphabetically..................................... 777

Appendix V.Numerical List of Taxa in Cremanthodium ................ 779

Appendix VI. List of Specimens Examined.......................... 783

Index to Scientific Names....................................... 807



Language(s): English

Audience(s): Students, Professionals, Research

Publisher: EDP Sciences & Science Press

Collection: Current Natural Sciences

Published: 24 june 2024

Reference eBook [PDF]: L29101

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759829101

Interior: Colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 820

Size: 293 MB (PDF)

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