EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences


Advanced Manufacturing for Energy and Transportation International School

de Nihed CHAÂBANE (auteur), Frédéric SCHUSTER (auteur)
juin 2021
format 160 x 240 380 pages En stock
89,00 €
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The impact of Materials Science and Engineering on innovation in the field of components for low-carbon energy and transportation is considerable. Problems related to the durability of solutions, economic sustainability, are often strongly related to the choice of materials and their production process, which has a very important impact on performance during use all along the lifetime of the components. Therefore, the advanced manufacturing concept integrates the entire value chain, from eco-design to recycling, and even recycling at times, taking into account a number of environmental, social and resource management factors or energy sobriety. That is the systemic presentation that is the core of the AMETIS international school.

AMETIS school will focuses on three emerging processes, and on their possible synergies that can initiate innovations or incremental advances. After presenting an integrated vision of additive manufacturing, the latest advancements in surface engineering and nanomanufacturing technologies, the school will focus on the convergence of these technologies as a source of innovation for advanced energy manufacturing and transport.


Livre papier


Langue(s) : Anglais

Public(s) : Professionnels, Recherche

Editeur : EDP Sciences & Science Press

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Current Natural Sciences

Publication : 3 juin 2021

Référence Livre papier : L24465

Référence eBook [PDF] : L25882

EAN13 Livre papier : 9782759824465

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759825882

Intérieur : Couleur

Format (en mm) Livre papier : 160 x 240

Nombre de pages Livre papier : 380

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 380

Poids (en grammes) : 1

Taille(s) : 57,8 Mo (PDF)

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