EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences

Introduction to Louis Michel's lattice geometry through group action

by B. Zhilinskii (author), Michel Leduc (author), Michel Le Bellac (author)
march 2016
Paper book
16 x 24 format 262 pages In stock
69,00 €
Open Access
Introduction to Louis Michel's lattice geometry through group action - eBook [PDF]
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Group action analysis developed and applied mainly by Louis Michel to the study of N-dimensional periodic lattices is the central subject of the book. Di erent basic mathematical tools currently used for the description of lattice geometry are introduced and illustrated through applications to crystal structures in two- and three-dimensional space, to abstract multi-dimensional lattices and to lattices associated with integrable dynamical systems. Starting from general Delone sets the authors turn to di erent symmetry and topological classi- cations including explicit construction of orbifolds for two- and three-dimensional point and space groups.

Voronoï and Delone cells together with positive quadratic forms and lattice description by root systems are introduced to demonstrate alternative approaches to lattice geometry study. Zonotopes and zonohedral families of 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-dimensional lattices are explicitly visualized using graph theory approach. Along with crystallographic applications, qualitative features of lattices of quantum states appearing for quantum problems associated with classical Hamiltonian integrable dynamical systems are shortly discussed.

The presentation of the material is presented through a number of concrete examples with an extensive use of graphical visualization. The book is aimed at graduated and post-graduate students and young researchers in theoretical physics, dynamical systems, applied mathematics, solid state physics, crystallography, molecular physics, theoretical chemistry, ...




Paper book


Language(s): English

Audience(s): Research

Publisher: EDP Sciences

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Current Natural Sciences

Published: 8 march 2016

EAN13 Paper book: 9782759817382

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759819522

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Paper book: 16 x 24

Pages count Paper book: 262

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 262

Weight (in grammes): 500

Size: 6,4 Mo (PDF)

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