EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences EDP Sciences

The Great Wall in Beijing

Collection: Hors Collection
june 2022
278 pages Download after purchase
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The Great Wall in Beijing celebrates mutual learning and respect between different cultures and shows how traditional Chinese culture, represented by the Great Wall, has contributed to the world. Designed as a primer on the Great Wall addressing the general public, this book may lead you to better appreciate the wonderful encounter of the Great Wall with the Winter Olympics, the story of Beijing, and the long history; as well as the encounter between the Olympic spirit was born from the ancient Greek civilization and the splendid 5,000-year Chinese civilization, so that the Great Wall culture, a “golden calling card” of the Chinese people, will shine brightly on the international stage of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022.


Table of Contents

Foreword The Beauty of the Great Wall of China 1

Part Ⅰ The Architectural Beauty 7

Chapter 1 A Wonder in the World History of Architecture 9

Chapter 2 A History Record of Stone and a Score of “Solidified Music” 27

Chapter 3 The Untold Beauty of Art 41

Chapter 4 The Great Wall on a Vast Land 53

Part Ⅱ The Beauty of Coalescence 73

Chapter 1 The Strategy of Ending War with War and the Passage to Peace 75

Chapter 2 The Great Wall Sphere of Life 86

Chapter 3 Villages and Homelands 100

Chapter 4 The Common Heritage of Humankind 113

Part Ⅲ The Ecological Beauty 123

Chapter 1 Ecological Space on the Great Wall 125

Chapter 2 The Amasing 400 mm Isohyet 132

Chapter 3 40°N – the Golden Latitude 139

Chapter 4 Natural Reserve and Ecological Conservation Zone 146

Part Ⅳ The Perpetual Beauty 157

Chapter 1 The Cultural Vitality of the Great Wall 159

Chapter 2 Protection and Inheritance of the Great Wall Heritage 172

Chapter 3 Keeping the Great Wall Culture Alive, Making it Shine and Thrive 179

Chapter 4 The Great Wall National Culture Park 190

Part Ⅴ The Beauty of Winter Sports 211

Chapter 1 The Dream of the City of the Olympic Summer and Winter Games 213

Chapter 2 Expectations at the Foot of the Great Wall 225

Chapter 3 From “Ice and Snow” to “Ascending the Great Wall” 236

Chapter 4 The Winter Olympic Legacy and the Post-Games Development 249

Conclusion Appreciating not only One’s Own Culture but also the Cultures of Others 259

References 263



Language(s): English

Audience(s): General pubic

Publisher: EDP Sciences

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 21 june 2022

EAN13 (hardcopy): 9782759827299

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759827329

Interior: Colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 278

Size: 35.3 MB (PDF)

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